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How To Manage Your Workout Routine While Working Odd Hours – An Exclusive Interview With DJ Aziz

Most of us follow a simple 9-5 work schedule in our daily lives that helps us dedicate time for our workout or exercise routines during the mornings or the evenings.

But some of you may be working odd hours like late nights, early mornings, or night shifts. If you are someone who has a busy and hectic work schedule and you can’t find time to work out, then this article is for you.

We recently had a chat with Azfar Aziz, better known as DJ Aziz who is a professional DJ and a fitness freak. He has shared some great tips on this problem that is faced by many men across India.

In this article, you will learn from him how you can manage and dedicate your time in a hectic and odd work schedule without compromising on your workout routine. Below are some of the highlights of our interview with DJ Aziz:

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Q) Tell us a little about yourself and your profession

I am Azfar Aziz better known as Dj Aziz. I belong to a small town called Burdwan and it’s about 100 km away from Kolkata. I started my career as a DJ in the year 2009. 

Q) How is your work schedule?

My work schedule keeps on fluctuating. That’s the most challenging thing but generally, club schedules are on from 7 till midnight.

Q) How does this hectic schedule affect your workout routine?

The toughest part is that my sleep routine gets disturbed frequently because of my work timings. And sleep is the most essential part of our workout since it helps in the recovery of muscles and keeps us rejuvenated.

Q) How do you manage to find time for your workouts?

During my off days I generally have a super workout and the rest of the working days, I feel like sneaking into my gym since I hate missing out. I generally hit my gym in the afternoon or else before I go to my show I quickly wrap it up in an hour.

Q) What kind of diet and meal timings do you follow?

I try to have at least 6 meals a day but since I am not a foodie I try to have small meals but frequently and generally I try to have clean meals.

Q) What fitness advice do you have for men who have busy and odd working schedules?

A small piece of fitness advice will be – it’s your body that’s gonna be with you all day long so you must give it an hour every day to strengthen it, bring more power in yourself mentally and physically.

Q) According to you which is the best time of the day for a workout?

According to me, it’s the afternoon since I get my proper sleep and two meals at least before I hit the gym. So I am full of energy, stamina, and power.

Q) 3 tips for staying fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Three tips will be, to start working out maybe in the gym or running and walking in your society. Say no to junks. Green veggies should be a compulsory part of the maximum meals.

That was all DJ Aziz had to share about maintaining a fit lifestyle while working late and odd hours. We hope that this article will help you even the slightest bit to plan your workouts and manage your time well.

You can follow DJ Aziz on his social media profiles on FacebookFacebook PageInstagram, and his YouTube Channel.

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